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Web Development with Python Flask and MySQL

Batch Price From £210 (approx. $277 USD) View Dates & Prices Short course on Web Development with Python Flask and MySQL
Total Duration: 12 Hours
Course level: Beginner to Intermediate
Delivery Method: Instructor-led Virtual Classes
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

This course provides a practical introduction to building web applications using the Flask framework with MySQL as the backend database. Participants will learn essential Flask concepts, database integration with SQLAlchemy, user authentication, RESTful API development, deployment strategies, and best practices in Flask application development.

Following topics are included in this course:

  1. Introduction to Flask
  2. Routing and URL building
  3. Flask templates and Jinja2 basics
  4. Flask Blueprints for modular applications
  5. Defining database models using SQLAlchemy
  6. CRUD operations with SQLAlchemy
  7. Flask-Login and LoginManager for user authentication
  8. Securing routes with login_required decorator
  9. Using Werkzeug.security for password hashing and verification
  10. Creating RESTful APIs using Flask
  11. Deploying Flask Applications


  • Essential: Prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, Python (basic) and basic database concepts is helpful but not required.
  • Text Editor or IDE: Familiarity with a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and running Python code.
  • Python: Participants should have Python installed on their computers. Python 3.x is recommended.
  • Text Editor or IDE: Familiarity with a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and running Python code.

These requirements ensure that participants have the foundational knowledge and tools necessary to successfully engage with and benefit from the course content on web development with Flask and MySQL.

We highly recommend you complete the following course(s) before attending the Web Development with Python Flask and MySQL course:

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

All Training Physical Classes Virtual Classes
Time Zone:
Training MethodDates and TimesPrice 
Online Training using Zoom 30 Sep 2024 - 11 Oct 2024
Mon, Wed & Fri (2 wks)
05:00 AM - 07:00 AM ET
£210 £420
(approx. $277 USD)
Enrol Now
Online Training using Zoom 21 Oct 2024 - 01 Nov 2024
Mon, Wed & Fri (2 wks)
05:00 AM - 07:00 AM ET
£360 £420
(approx. $474 USD)
Enrol Now

Course Content

  1. Introduction to Flask
    • Overview of Flask framework
    • Installing Flask
    • Creating a basic Flask application
    • Routing and URL building
    • Flask templates and Jinja2 basics
  2. Flask Application Structure
    • Flask Blueprints for modular applications
    • Creating and organizing Blueprints
    • Using Flask extensions (e.g., Flask-WTF for forms)
  3. Working with Databases
    • Introduction to SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy
    • Setting up MySQL database connection
    • Defining database models using SQLAlchemy
    • CRUD operations with SQLAlchemy
  4. User Authentication
    • Flask-Login and LoginManager for user authentication
    • Creating user models and registration forms
    • Implementing login and logout functionality
    • Securing routes with login_required decorator
  5. Password Security
    • Understanding password hashing
    • Using Werkzeug.security for password hashing and verification
    • Best practices for handling passwords securely
  6. Building a Blogging Application - Part 1
    • Designing the blog database schema
    • Creating SQLAlchemy models for blog posts
    • Implementing CRUD operations for blog posts
  7. Building a Blogging Application - Part 2
    • Creating templates for displaying blog posts
    • Adding pagination for blog posts
    • Implementing comment functionality for blog posts
  8. Flask RESTful APIs
    • Introduction to RESTful APIs
    • Creating RESTful APIs using Flask
    • Integrating APIs with your Flask application
  9. Deploying Flask Applications
    • Overview of deployment options (e.g., Heroku, AWS)
    • Preparing Flask applications for deployment
    • Deploying Flask applications to a cloud platform

Additional Notes

  • Each class session should include hands-on exercises and coding tasks to reinforce learning.
  • Encourage students to work on a small project throughout the course, gradually building a blog application with user authentication, CRUD operations, and RESTful API integration.
  • Provide supplementary resources and reading materials for deeper understanding of Flask and MySQL concepts.

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