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Web Development with Python and Django

Batch Price From £360 (approx. $474 USD) View Dates & Prices Web Development with Python and Django Instructor-led Training
Total Duration: 12 Hours
Course level: Beginner to Intermediate
Delivery Method: Live Instructor-led Virtual Classes
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

In this instructor-led training course, you will learn how to build web applications from scratch using Python and Django. Django is a popular web framework written in Python that allows developers to build robust and scalable web applications quickly and efficiently. The course will teach you Django, right from scratch from a very basic level and will gradually move towards advanced topics.


Basic knowledge of Python, HTML and CSS is required.

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

All Training Physical Classes Virtual Classes
Time Zone:
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Course Content

  1. Getting started
    • Introduction
    • Installing and IDE for development
    • Creating the first Python project
  2. Setting up a Django project
    • Introduction to web framework and Django
    • Installing Django and setting up a project
    • Understanding Django structure
    • Create a simple Django website
  3. URLs & Views
  4. Forms
  5. Rendering templates
  6. Authentication in Django
  7. Building absolute URLs
  8. Data and Models
  9. Sessions
  10. Deployment on Production Server

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