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Object Oriented Programming in PHP

Batch Price From £350 (approx. $452 USD) View Dates & Prices
Total Duration: 10-Hour
Course level: Intermediate to Advanced
Delivery Method: Instructor-led Virtual Classes
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

This course provides essential knowledge and skills in object oriented programming in PHP. Students will learn how to create and use classes, methods, properties, class inheritance, access control modifiers, constructors, destructors, abstract classes and interfaces.


This course requires knowledge of basic PHP syntax, variables, control structures, data types, arrays and functions. Our Web Development with PHP and MySQL Training Course covers all of the prerequisites.

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

All Training Physical Classes Virtual Classes
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Course Content

  1. Defining a class
  2. Defining methods
  3. Instantiating a Class
  4. Defining properties
  5. Class Inheritance
  6. Access Control Modifiers
  7. Static Modifier
  8. Getters and Setters
  9. Static Method
  10. Static Properties
  11. Referencing Parent Class with Static
  12. Constructors and Destructors
  13. Abstract Class
  14. Interface
  15. Trait

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