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Modern JavaScript Bootcamp

Batch Price From £500 (approx. $659 USD) View Dates & Prices Modern JavaScript Bootcamp
Total Duration: 20 Hours
Course level: Beginner
Delivery Method: Instructor led online training
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

JavaScript is one of the most important languages when it comes to building modern, interactive websites and apps. Along with HTML and CSS, it is one of the core building blocks of the web - and it's growing ever more popular thanks to the wealth of powerful JavaScript libraries and frameworks available.

While JavaScript can be a little harder to pick up than HTML and CSS, our in-depth course will provide you with the knowledge of modern JavaScript that you need to create dynamic and engaging websites - or even fully-featured web apps.

This course is intensive but we have ensured that there is plenty of time for questions and useful, practical assignments. We know that students learn faster when they are given plenty of tasks to experiment with.

We make sure to keep our class sizes small, so that every student is able to have their questions answered by the course instructor. The atmosphere is usually one of relaxed and quiet focus - although there's time for making friends and swapping a few geeky jokes during the breaks, too.


Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

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Course Content

  1. Getting Started
    • HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    • Client-side Vs Server-side
    • What is JavaScript?
    • Choose your Editor
    • Browsers and Console
  2. Loading JavaScript
    • JavaScript and Statements
    • JavaScript Comments
    • Execution Order
    • Placing your JS in your HTML
    • The Type Attribute
    • Folder Structure
  3. JavaScript ES6 Syntax
    • Variables & Data Types
    • Conditional Code
    • Operators and Expressions
    • Operator Precedence
    • Comparison Operators
    • Strict Equality
    • Logical Operators
    • Modulus
    • Increment/Decrement
    • Ternary
    • Loops: While, Do… While & For Loop
    • Functions & parameters
    • Arrow functions
    • Template Literals
    • Variable Scope
    • Hoisting
  4. JavaScript Objects
    • Objects in JavaScript
    • Creating arrays
    • Array Properties
    • Array Methods
    • Addition Vs Concatenation
    • Not a number
    • Math Object
    • String Object
    • Quotes Inside Quotes
    • String Properties
    • String Methods
    • String Comparison
    • The Document Object Model (DOM)
    • The Window Object
    • The Document Object
    • The Date Object
    • Comparing Dates
    • The Switch Method
  5. Access Form Elements using JavaScript
    • Input Types in HTML5
    • Accessing the forms
    • Using querySelector
    • Using the name attribute to get info
    • Accessing fields (DOM)
    • HTML 5 Input form Validation
    • Using the autofocus attribute
    • Displaying placeholder text in form fields
    • Using the required attribute
    • Using the autocomplete attribute
  6. Add Content to HTML using JavaScript
    • createElement
    • appendChild
    • createTextNode
    • Output
    • Exercise
  7. jQuery Basics
    • Selectors and Filters
    • Control HTML elements
    • Control CSS Styles
    • Handling HTML events
  8. React Basics
    • What is React?
    • Adding React to a Website
  9. Next Steps
    • Practice and Learn More

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