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Social Media for Businesses

Batch Price From £120 (approx. $155 USD) View Dates & Prices
Total Duration: 4-Hour
Course level: Beginner
Delivery Method: Instructor Led Classroom Training
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

Did you know that in June 2014, Facebook served more video views than YouTube?

Or that Snapchat, with the youngest userbase out of all the social platforms, is growing at a rate of 56% per year?

Social media changes constantly, so using it to achieve business goals (more brand awareness, more engagement and ultimately more revenue) requires staying up-to-date and regular experimentation.

If you have never used social media for business before, this class will introduce you to the core concepts that you need to know about in 2016.


You should have basic computing and Internet knowledge.

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

All Training Physical Classes Virtual Classes
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Course Content

  1. An introduction to social media marketing
  2. Blogging
  3. Facebook fans
  4. Twitter tactics
  5. Pinterest successes
  6. LinkedIn secrets
  7. Google+ features
  8. YouTube stars

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